We distribute Yield to all token holders for each day of ownership. No need to stake or lock assets. Use your money with no restrictions.
Most stablecoin issuers use your money to make money for themself. So they use you. If you want to share this profit you must stake your money. So you can’t use it. And issuers are using you again.
You buy CRTN for USDT 1-to-1 with tiny spread and receive it to your wallet.
We use 100% of collateral for Cash & Carry trade on centralized exchanges.
You get 90% of Cash & Carry Yield for every day when any CRTN is in your Wallet.
When you transfer CRTN to someone, you stop earning. And the payee starts profiting.
When someone sales CRTN back to us it is terminated and person gets USDT one‑to‑one with tiny spread.